Wholesale native crafts, craft supplies and jewelry
Native Crafts Wholesale 411 Ironwood St Oroville, WA 98844

Arctic Fox Dreamcatcher Medicine Shield

Quantity in Stock:999

Price for each$189.96
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Arctic Fox Dreamcatcher Medicine Shield
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This white arctic fox medicine shield has a dreamcatcher with many natural quartz crystals in the web. The fur wrapped hoop is 16" in diameter and overall the shield is approximately 35" long.

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It has a full arctic fox face and three prime arctic fox tails. There are four bundles of horsehair for stamina and strength, a coyote tooth for knowledge and humor, and a racoon penis bone for fertility, all held on with silver colored cones.

detail of pheasant feathers on white fox shieldThe large immitation eagle feathers at the ends of the ten long buckskin fringes are also attached with silver cones. The smaller pheasant feathers are attached with black glass crow beads and silver plated beads.

This artifact replica is handmade in the USA.

Because each one is handmade especially for you, the one shown is representative. The one you receive may vary slightly. If you have a preference for bead colors, or would like different stones in the web, leave a comment in the comment box of your checkout form.

Not produced by or the product of a particular Indian or Indian tribe.

detail of horse hair and quartz crystals in web on white fox dreamcatcher
