Totem Animal Meanings

Animal totems play huge roles in our lives. They aid in self-discovery and capture our imagination, giving us incredible avenues of self-expression and awareness.

Additionally, they assist in understanding our past, and if we are attentive, our animal totems can reveal glimpses of our future. By paying attention to the creatures that come into our lives, we can learn huge lessons and get vital guidance.

Since time immemorial, animals have served as harbingers of personality traits we, as humans, all aspire to achieve. This makes animals some of the most powerful symbols in our spiritual toolbox.

To discover more about the fascinating realm of animal totems, simply click on the animal totem and animal symbolism links below to learn about the traits commonly associated with these animals.

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Alligator Totem Animal

The Alligator has walked on Earth Mother for millions of years and is known in many myths and lore as the keeper of ancient wisdom.

Alligator symbolism also urges you to concentrate on the conception, incubation, and birth of your ideas, and discover how you can use them to improve your life and achieve your goals.

Ant totem

The power of ant medicine is teamwork.

The ant is a hard-working insect and thus, this spirit guide is related to work, persistence, and achieving goals.

Each ant will do its part to ensure the survival and health of the whole colony, regardless of the role it has been assigned. If ant has to fight, it will; if ant has to dig tunnels, it will; if ant has to carry leaves for miles, it will, all for the good of the community.