7″ White Ribbon Rainbow Dreamcatcher



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SKU: IAC-RibbonWh Category:


This 7″ dreamcatcher is wrapped in white satin ribbons and has natural cocque feathers held on with black and white mini pony beads. The overall length is 19 inches, not counting the hanger strap. Th web is multi-colored metallic thread in rainbow colors and very sparkly. It has small white pony beads in the web. It comes with a tag with the following dreamcatcher legend:

Traditionally, a dreamcatcher was made for one at birth and kept throughout life, adding decorations as you wished. Upon death it was placed with you to help you on your journey into the next world. The decorations in the web represent bad dreams that are caught. The feathers are the path for the good dreams to flow through to you. The morning sun enters through the hole in the center to melt the bad dreams away in it’s first light.

This would make a great baby shower gift.

The dream catcher pictured is representative. The one you will receive may vary slightly.

This item can be shipped internationally. However feathers cannot be imported to New Zealand. Be sure to check with your local customs before ordering to be sure chicken feathers can be imported to your country. We will not be responsible for items seized by customs agents.

Not produced by a tribal member or a particular indian tribe.

Additional information

Weight 0.10 oz