Large Jeweled Pewter Turtle Necklace



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SKU: JSC-BC-107Tu Category:


This turtle with irridescent synthetic stone on black cord necklace is made from pewter. The pendant measures approximately 1 3/4″ long by 1 inch wide. The synthetic stone is irridescent and tends to pick up whatever color you are wearing. The 18″ cord has a silver claw clasp.

Through the ages and cultures, turtles have many meanings. Some believe the turtle is the symbol of the primal mother and connected to the lunar cycle.

Some native american legends say the earth was formed on Turtle’s back.

In the Far East it was believed the shell was a symbol of heaven and the square underside was a symbol of earth. The turtle could help you unite heaven and earth within you own life.

Others believe the turtle is associated with longevity, great age, and wisdom.

This item can be shipped internationally.

This item is not Indian produced, an Indian product, or the product of a particular Indian, or Indian tribe, or Indian arts and crafts organization.

Additional information

Weight 0.10 oz